Thursday, January 26, 2012

January 26th 2012

          So, a couple weeks ago, my mom got me and Leo each one of those dollar store eggs of silly putty. I've been using mine in lieu of a stress ball. It seems to have picked up quite a bit of dust and dirt. It started out this neon cream(is that even a color?) and now it's this unidentifiable gray-ish sludge. But it's still pliable, so I'll just keep on squeezing.
          I got my quilt square finished yesterday! It's so cute! I hot glued some fuzzy yarn around the edges, and mom found her letter stamps for me to use. So it has my name and council and years I'll be on YAC in the stamps. Then I found another baggie full of asst. stamps. So it's pretty adorable. One of the ink pads I used didn't work so well, so I had to trace it with a fine tip paint brush in a similar color. But it still came out all right, I think.
          Yesterday mom and I went and got my khaki pants! I have orientation today at 4:00! I'm super excited! I'm only a little bit confused about dinner. Orientation is 4:00pm to 9:00pm. That's five hours so I know I'll get at least fifteen minutes to eat something. But what do I bring? I don't want to be dorky and bring my lunchbox. I suppose I could bring a paper bag, but that feels weird. But it's what I'll probably do. Mom says that if I'm not careful, people will steal it. Maybe I'll bring something gross so they'll regret if they do. But I doubt it.
          While I was in town over the weekend, we went to a goodbye party for a good friend from the Camp Fire office. She's always been super involved with me and Hope, so we wrote her a toast/letter. Hope didn't want to read it out loud, she just wanted to give it to her. But I thought everybody would really like hearing it. So I convinced her to stand up with me while I read it. Of course once we got up there, I read the first sentence and promptly handed it to Hope because I couldn't see through my tears. I'm glad I have such an awesome best friend!! She ended up reading it out loud anyways. Everyone understood, and I got lots of hugs. Another woman I knew from the office was there and I hadn't seen her in a long time! I knew she was pregnant with twins but I hadn't seen her since the 3-4 month mark. She's due any day now and she is so lucky to be carrying twins to full term. They don't know if they're identical or fraternal, but it's two baby girls and she calls them itty and bitty. I can't wait to see pictures when they finally get here!
          The night we drove home, Tuesday, was horrible!!! It was dark, bad roads, and a nasty storm! I am so glad I did not have to drive in that, I don't think I could have. Poor mom must have been so sore from straining her eyes and hunching over the wheel.
          I also met with almost all of my consultants on my visit to town and we all agree I'm right on track! There's nothing in the world, short of a natural disaster(knock on wood) that is going to keep me from finishing my WoHeLo.
          YAC is starting to get busy with all the stuff YAC does! We're doing a fundraiser in March and Valentines for Vets have to go out soon, and I'm going to start working with Lucy at the CF office for Absolutely Incredible Kid Day. Which reminds me, I've got some more valentines to make!
           That's all for now folks!

Friday, January 20, 2012

January 20th, 2012

           FIRST! Thank you Miss Aqua for reminding me to post! I would've procrastinated far longer without you! Can't wait for June!!
          Alright, alright. I know I've been slacking!! I'd like to say it's because I've been busy, but not really. Just slacking lol. BUT now I know why I really joined the National Youth Advisory Cabinet...they give me excuses to use glitter!!! We're each getting a quilt square in the mail and we get to decorate them however we want!! I'm probably using too many exclamation points, but I can't find it in myself to care. Exclamation points are like glitter...addictive. My poor friends don't share my opinions, so I don't get my glitter out as often as I really want too.           
          YAC's also got me thinking of idea's for Absolutely Incredible Kids Day. See, we have got really great incentive.  Our president, Lauren, came up with this 'master list' and for every YAC deed we do, we get a point. At the end of three months or so, she'll tally the points and send the winner a Camp Fire surprise! At last check I was tied for first. Take that Owen :P 
           In other news, I still haven't heard back on whether or not I got the travel/room/board scholarship for the Grad Nation Conference. It's driving me crazy! Because Camp Fire birthday is in March and I really need to know if I'll be in town for it because WoHeLo'ees are honored there, and it's my year! Of course, the summit is a huge deal and way more important; not that I wouldn't miss sticking a pie in Scouts face. That's another thing, At birthday, the WoHeLo'ees get to stick pies in the faces of people that get voted on all day. Scout usually gets one. 
          I was feeling kind of lost on my last WoHeLo issue, so I called up Swan* at the Camp Fire office for some advice. Now, she's in the middle of switching jobs, so I know she's super busy. Still at the CF office, just different responsibilities. Which is why I was so grateful to her for spending 35-40 minutes on the phone with me brainstorming. Of course, now I have a lot of work to do, but I'm happy for it. Because otherwise, all my hours for this issue would be blogging. Not that I have a problem with that, but the panel may raise a few eyebrows when I'm trying to get everything approved. I'm going to put together a whole 'curriculum' for a presentation on the benefits of homeschooling. I'm going to make a tri-fold brochure to give out for our kinesthetic learners. A power point for the visual learners; and of course my own notes for the auditory learners. My goal is to have something anyone can pick up, read through once, and deliver easily.
          I finally watched Footloose last night! It was amazing! I can't believe it took me that long to realize that Kevin Bacon and I are destined to be together? Lol, jk...mostly. Now I want to see the new one; just for a compare/contrast kind of thing. I think my favorite part is Ren trying to teach Willard to dance. Ren's face=perfect. 
          I guess one good thing about our new town is that everything is in walking distance. Compared to our old town where you may be able to walk somewhere, you just don't feel safe doing it. Leo and I go to the library all the time, sometimes we stop at Dairy Queen(that's another bonus, we didn't have a DQ back home). DQ and Sonic have the BEST banana splits ever! No one else has clued in on putting pineapples on ice cream yet!
          I have a board meeting and Leo has a CF meeting on Monday evening and on Tuesday, we're going to a good friends good-bye party. She's been a huge mentor to me, so I'm sad to see her moving away. But I know it's a great opportunity for her. I just hope she can come back in April for my WoHeLo, but I'll understand if she can't.
          I'm getting more and more excited for April! My dad and stepmom, Lili, are bringing my little brothers from Louisiana to come see me! Since I'm homeschooled, mom and I decided to make this my graduation. We're renting a room after the ceremony for my whole CF group to have dinner with our families. And either the day before or after, my whole family is going out for dinner. If you're one of my close friends, you know how much that means to me. One of my mom's friends is pretty handy with a camera, so I'm hoping he'll be there so I can get some quality pics with my whole family together. Oh! That reminds me! My big brother in CA is probably coming too! It feels surreal to think of all four of my brothers and all four of my parents in one place for ME! 
          While I'm in town on Mon/Tues I have a meeting with my homeschooling consultant so I can let her know how things are progressing; and of course invite her to Grand Council Fire. I also really want to stop at Old Navy because I need khaki pants for work on Thursday! I'm so excited to start!
          Toodles for now! I've run out of steam and it's almost time for dinner (Mom's meatloaf and baked jealous)

*name has been changed

Friday, January 6, 2012

January 6th 2012

          Well, I've almost got the job! Wal-Mart called me back (the only one who called me back) and I did the interviews yesterday. I have to go back today for the drug test and all that fun stuff. I'm not worried and I know it's necessary, but I just wish we could skip it. I want to get straight to training! Make that moolah, you know? I'm going to be a cashier, so it shouldn't be too hard. And it's barely above minimum wage, but that is alright with me! It's a steady job. Working for the Diocese back where I used to live was fun and everything, but I seriously only ever worked maybe 10 shifts. So, not really in the way of making much money.
           Plus maybe I'll meet some cool people! I really want to make some friends here, but it's hard to get out there. Plus, it doesn't seem like there are any local hang-outs. I've been walking all over town, library and Wal-Mart, and I haven't seen anybody else my age walking around.
          Leo has a Camp Fire meeting on Monday so he and mom are going back to town for the night. I don't know if I'm going to go yet. It depends on if Wal-Mart needs me I guess. Hopefully we can do everything today and they won't need me until Wednesday. But if I do need to stay here, maybe daddy and I will find something to do. But if I do go, I'll get to see Neecee and the kids!!! And I really miss Wendy. When we visited them a few days before Christmas, she was so excited! I'd love to surprise her! Plus when we moved, I found all this stuff I don't want so I have some toys for her!
          A couple weeks ago, I was nominated for a scholarship to go to this conference in Washington DC in March. I'm so antsy waiting to find out if I got it. I don't really have super high hopes just because I don't want them dashed if I don't get it. But it would be super cool!!! Just to give you a hint as to how big this conference is, last year, Vice President Joe Biden was there. Yeah.
          I still haven't gotten my Christmas present from my father. I keep bugging him about it, but I never get a response. Part of me wants to stop bugging because I don't want to look greedy. But the other part of me KNOWS he will just completely forget.
          Last night I wrote a poem! I was just laying in bed in the dark and I got inspired! I don't remember what I was thinking about, but the words just came to me. Here it is:

I've cried for a boy on the internet
If you say that make me weak, you'd be wrong
Even if my tears are for someone I've never met
It's not a bad thing, compassion makes you strong

I've cried while shaking with rage
So you might call me high strung
But you're old beyond your years, you age
My tears keep me young

I've cried while clapping in glee
While you sit, avoiding emotion
I'm at peace, my heart and mind in harmony
Though my tears could fill an ocean

Every day is a battle for you
Everyday a war
But if you'd just see your emotions through
You'd see that there could be more

If eyes are windows to the soul
I can see your glass shattering
All that dust must take its toll
But no one else is noticing

          What do you think? I kind of like it. My mom said it was good, though written from a teenagers point of view. I was like "Well duh, I'm a teenager. What else do you expect?"

Anyways, that's all for today.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

January 3rd, 2012

          HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Yeah I know I'm late. But who cares, it's 2012 baby!
I had a pretty good New Years. Hope and I didn't get to check out the new club because no one wanted to come pick us up and Hope's mom doesn't like taxis. We ended up going to Step's house to hang out and watch Glee. We had some much needed girl talk and heart-to-hearts. It was a very cliche sleepover ;-)
At midnight, we decided we were hungry, so after digging through the cupboards, we found some Pasta Sides, chicken alfredo.  That's what's in the pot. (I'm on the left, Hope is on the right)
          My parents didn't give me a heads up before they picked me up, so I was a little disappointed we didn't get to make pancakes together like we planned. But on the way home, we stopped at the biggest town before home and wandered around. We went to a park and played and walked around. Then Dad and Leo went to Hastings while mom and I wandered down the strip mall into Ross. I got two dresses. A casual for every day and a business one I can wear to any conferences or board meetings. Then we went to the mall. I think the best part of the day was taking dad into Buckle. Mom decided this years craft project was him. So new wardrobe little bit at a time. It was really weird helping my dad shop in there because I usually go in there with Sketch or Doug. We ended up getting a super snazzy vest for him to wear when his boss is in town or for church on Sunday.
          After we got dinner at this chinese buffet in the mall, we went home. I was all for taking a shower and going to bed even though it was only 7:30pm. After all, Hope, Step, and I didn't go to sleep until 2:30am. But mom had other ideas. She's been borrowing tons of old classics from the library and this time it was The Bells of St. Mary's. I think I'm falling in love with Bing Crosby, lol! He's so handsome and when he sings, I get goosebumps. It's a shame he died.
          I've been working on my to-do list today, which includes WoHeLo stuff and college stuff. I had to call the college I'm going to and ask how they want my homeschool transcript. Turns out all I have to do is mail it to 'em! Super easy check! I also texted one of my WoHeLo consultants with some info on my panel meetings and emailed another one of them for her approval on my summary for my JDRF issue. All that's left now is to figure out how to finish my last issue. Obviously this blog is a big part of it, it's how I get most of my hours and I've had over 400 views. So that's kind of awesome! A few days ago, I put my blog on a bunch of websites that are supposed to get more publicity, but we'll see. I haven't seen any significant changes in the stats. It feels kind of weird to not need to do any schoolwork. I'm pretty much done with it. I've taken my ACT twice and when I talked to the recruiter for the school this morning, she said as long as I made at least a 20 on my ACT, I'm good to go. Of course mom wasn't worried about that, mostly just the money parts. Which reminds me, I need to ask her to tell me as soon as she does taxes so I can re-do the FAFSA.
          I also got the contract and personnel policies and all that other fun stuff that comes with a summer job in my email this morning! I got to put all the dates on the calendar and that always makes me a happy camper.
I saw a few things on the agenda that I really really want to do, but because I'm under age, I don't know if I'll be able. I also need to see about registering for the WSI class I want to do in March. Doing WSI pretty much guarantees that I'll be in charge of swim lessons. Which is my favorite thing besides treks. So I really hope I pass!
          I've got to go clean my room now, so that's all for now folks!