Saturday, February 25, 2012

February 25th 2012

          Hey guys,
How's everyone been? I've been frantically trying to find a chaperone/roommate for my conference in DC, but it's either inconvenient time or too much money for everyone. I'm going to ask the women at my board meeting this Monday, but if no one there is able, I'm prepared to just give up on it. It was never supposed to be this big of a deal. I'll have to re-write my walk in speech and send a new one to Susan. But that's the easy part. I'm just bummed because I was so excited for my first solo vacation. No parents. Not like I was going to o crazy or anything, but I'd really like for my first few weeks at college to not  be the first time I'm on my own for more than two nights!
          I guess if I don't go to DC though, I can get this dress I've been eying. It would be perfect to wear for my WoHeLo. It would fit under my ceremonial attire, and look fabulous for pictures and the party. It's got a purple ruffled top and a simple black skirt. There was another one I saw too, but mom didn't feel too good about it. And I kind of want to find some super short black shorts to wear under this one dress I have. I just got these awesome tights to wear with it, but it still needs shorts, just to be sure ;-)
          Mom left for town early to spend time with her sister and then her friends. I would've gone, but I had to work yesterday, today, and tomorrow. But it works out since daddy has to be in town Monday morning anyway, we're leaving right after work tomorrow. So get up, go to church, go home and pack, go to work, go to town. We probably won't get in until around midnight, but daddy seems to be okay with it. I don't know where we'll all sleep. The place we usually stay is really uncomfortable for four people. three, sure. But unless I'm sharing the couch bed with Leo, I'm not seeing this working out. Maybe he'll sleepover at his friends house or something. Seems kind of late though. And all his friend has school.
          I just finished catching up on The Vampire Diaries.  I watch all my shows on Hulu. I can't decide if I prefer the books or the show. The show is definitely more "people pleasing". What I mean is, the producers give the audience exactly what we want. But aside from the names, we might as well be in a different story. Nothing happens the same. Caroline is a real person in the show, with feelings and stuff. Then she gets turned into a vampire. I'm fairly sure that NEVER happened. And so far there is no sign of Elena getting her wings powers. She never got turned into a vampire and then brought back. So frustrating. Why couldn't they do both as tv shows and name the other one something else?
          Right now, I'm charging my flipcam to take to town. I might try a little vlog or something. Could be cool. What do you guys think?
          Time to catch up on my beauty sleep, that's all for now folks.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Feb 22 2012

If you were wondering, this is what I wear for my WoHeLo! I literally finished it today!

February 23rd 2012

          Hey guys! I know you're not used to so much attention! But the day has come!
Today is my last day off of work before my final panel meeting for my WoHeLo!!! So I'm working on my gown, getting my last two hours in somewhere, and dancing around the house! There were definitely times in the past where I was positive I'd never get done in time or times I just plain wanted to give up! Now that I'm standing on the very edge of completion, I'm so overjoyed I did it! And I'll deny I ever said it, but there's no way I could have ever done it without my mom. I'm kind of lucky to have so many adults in my life who care about me.
          I can't find a chaperone/roommate for my conference in D.C. so it might not happen :( I'm really bummed about it. It's ridiculous because my parents are just fine with letting me go by myself, I'm just fine going by myself, but the conference people aren't. I really just need someone over eighteen who can pay their own airfare and half the room. I'm going to start asking friends and family soon. I was talking to a woman at the Baltimore Camp Fire office, but she's stopped communicating very suddenly. She just stopped replying to emails.
          I added it up, and between my bank account now, two paychecks before I leave, and my income tax soon, I should be able to afford it. That parts no biggie. And mom said she can chip in a little bit too. It's just so frustrating to be this close to something amazing, and not do it because I'm under eighteen. I'm so sick of the word "minor". All summer at camp, all through the year at Camp Fire... "aren't you eighteen yet Razzi?" I could just scream and pull my hair out!
          The other day at work, I said "okey dokey" to a customer, and he said he'd never heard someone say that except in movies. He also hadn't heard someone literally say ya'll or aight. You know how you always come up with the perfect comeback twenty minutes later? That's how I feel. I was kind of offended because he said it like I was dirty for using those words. Nope, just raised in Oklahoma...
          A few days ago, a friend of Leo's asked him to tell me I should post to my blog. I'm not sure how she knows about it, but I'm not complaining about it! I wish all the people who check my blog regularly would subscribe so I can see how many people are reading regularly. Maybe if people would comment or something *AHEM AHEM*. Sorry I had a tickle in my throat.
          So, guess what happened yesterday?!?!?!? I got my first college acceptance letter!!! It was from my second choice; I'm still waiting to hear from my first choice. I really really want to go to my first choice. If I get in, I get a full ride scholarship. Room and board is still expensive, but it'd be worth it for such a prestigious education. I think if I went there, I'd major in some sort of politics. And minor in psychology. If I go to my second choice, I'll probably get my BSN (Bachelor of Science in Nursing). I'd have to transfer my Junior year to a bigger school though.
          Right now mom is cracking and rolling eggs because she boiled, like, twenty this morning. She also brought home root beer, peanuts, candy bars, and caramel wraps. I think she may be trying to sweeten us up for something. I just haven't figured out what yet. But don't worry mom, I'm onto you :P. I've been trying to curl my hair with my straightener, but it's not working. I think I'm going to rag roll my hair tonight. It's so much fun when my hair is curly! And it looks so legit, people who don't know me very well assume that I must straighten my hair every morning.
          I wonder if I'll receive so many compliments if my hair is super curly. Men have asked if I'm married, called me gorgeous, told me I look pretty, told me I looked beautiful, and commented on my "free hugs" pin saying "I might not let you go!". All in all, it's very flattering but most of them don't speak English very well or are three times my age. SO I just smile and check their groceries.
          I received my Growums sale package in the mail today! For ten dollars, you can buy a miniature garden with four kinds of seeds, eight pods to plant them in, and eight tags. And their really cute! Like a pizza garden has basil, oregano, cilantro, and tomato I think. And there's different kinds of gardens. A taco garden, a ratatouille garden, an oriental themed garden. And every penny raised goes straight to YAC! We're planning on doing a F2F, which is Face to face. We want to have a meeting just so we can all get together aside from the conference calls to hang out and plan stuff. I'm pretty pumped. If you're interested and you actually know me, get at me and I'll hook you up!
          That's all for now folks!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Feb 21 2012

BTW, my hair is getting super duper long...

February 21st 2012

          Hey guys, I'm sorry. I know I keep promising a nice long post but I've been super busy trying to get all the details for my WoHeLo in order. I also got a letter from Antioch today stating that I have four days to complete my application by sending in my supplemental items. See, I sent those item sin two weeks ago. But lucky for me I've got a smart Mom who insisted on saving everything and putting it in my file. So I just spent the last hour scanning documents into the computer and emailing them off to Antioch. Hopefully that takes care of that. And if I don't get accepted, it's because I wasn't good enough not because of some dang technicality. I'm trying so hard not to get my hopes up. I really want to major in Psychology if I go to Antioch, but mom thinks I should go into Politics. I am pretty good at managing people and reputations. I don't know. Maybe I can minor in Psychology. Opinions??
          Today Leo had to go to town with Mom for his first ever standardized testing. And it's his worst subject. I feel kind of bad for him. But it must be done. Everyone does standardized testing at some point or another, it really isn't avoidable at this point in time.
          I had bought a Groupon for laser hair removal. I was going to get my bikini line done so I could say goodbye to awkward shower shaving at camp. But they don't have any available appointments that would work for me, so I returned it and got my $100 back. Now that money is going towards my DC conference. Mom and I counted it up, I've got my income tax coming soon, two paychecks, and two hundred in the bank. That's not enough to get the room by myself, but I just got an email stating that I am required to have a chaperone because I'm 17. Which sucks because I don't know anyone else who's going to this thing. And if I could split the cost of a room with someone, I could almost definitely afford it. I'm so thankful the board came up with the money for my flight because I can't imagine having to factor that in too.
          So I have to work this Sunday. But I have tons of meetings on Monday and Daddy has an interview in town at 10:00am. If he gets this job, we get to move back to town!!! But that's off subject right now. So Daddy's going to pick me up after work (8:00pm) and we're going straight to town. Then on Monday, I've got to do WoHeLo pictures at the park with Hope and the camp fire photographer, then I have my final board meeting, where they'll approve my WoHeLo and finalize everything, then I have my board meeting at which I'll be giving a presentation. So before I even go for my pictures, I need to print and fold 30 copies of my brochure, make sure my ceremonial attire is in order, and at some point in there I'd like to eat dinner.
          Don't let my stress fool you, I'm so freakin pumped for this! I'm ready to be done worrying about it and start celebrating! Hope and I will be presented at WoHeLoees at Camp Fire Birthday on March 3rd and I'm pretty sure we're supposed to be at the Adult Recognition Dinner. So they can fawn over us, lol! Susan says our only jobs after we get approved is to show up and look pretty! It kind of feels like we won a pageant or something! And so far I've invited all my friends, my father and Lili, my mom is flying down my big brother from California, we invited my Uncle Dean todasy when mom was on the phone with him. I hope his wife and daughters can come too, but I'd understand if they can't all come. Looks like I just might get some of my dream pictures! In your face mom! Never say never!!!
          I've only got to get 5 more hours on this last issue, and  I think it's going to be a piece of cake!
          That's all for now folks!

Friday, February 3, 2012

February 3rd 2012

          OMG I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!!! I got the official news today: I'm going to DC!!! It's for the America's Promise Grad Nation Summit, March 18th through the 21st. You can't hear my happy squee's, but they're loud.
          Now I get to do even more shopping! I'm assuming DC is cold in March, and I don't have enough nice cold weather clothes! Poor mom, she'll never even know what hit her. This one is gonna be kind of short too, because I have to go to work soon. But I promise, as soon as I find time, I'll whip out a nice, long, juicy, post!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


          I'm going to warn you now, this is going to be a short post! I'm on break at work, eating my microwave velveeta mac and cheese. I just wanted to say that I'm super excited because it looks like I'm going to Washington DC in March!!! For another conference!